Le Lac de Cornino

NAME Lago di Cornino
CITY Frogaria nel Friuli


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We hesitated to introduce you to the Lake of Cornino since the day of our visit, there was a very large storm that did not allow us to make beautiful pictures or trying to enter the water. But after all we will present the lake anyway.

The lake of Cornino is in the northern part of Friuli in the municipality of Forgaria nel Friuli few kilometers from the Tagliamento River.

The lake of Cornino is part of the nature reserve of Lago di Cornino.

The lake has the advantage of having a very clear water. This transparency attracts many divers to visit the lake bottom.

In the lake, there is not much animal life except for a few fish and a species of crayfish. Also at the bottom, there are religious statues.

From the outside, the lake has a lovely turquoise color.

The only question we have is that swimming is free, or does it authorized?

Around the lake, a species of vulture is also protected.

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